The “J-Skip (Japan System for Special Highly-Skilled Professionals)” has been implemented since April 2023, which is to promote growth the number of highly-skilled professionals in Japan and make the application simpler – they can apply for it without considering HSP score and the proof documents.
SPECIAL HIGHLY SKILLED PROFESSIONAL (hereinafter referred to as “J-Skip HSP“) is a special VISA STATUS for Highly Skilled Professional or HSP, granted to those who will engage in the activity related to HSP-a, HSP-b or HSP-c in Japan and have a certain level of academic background, professional career and annual income.
Different from HSP, J-Skip HSP is not granted based on the HSP score. It is granted based on your educational background, professional career and annual income paid for the work in Japan.
As the same as general HSP visa status, there are 2 types of J-Skip HSP, J-Skip HSP1 and J-Skip HSP2. After you keep living in Japan under J-Skip HSP1 visa status for one year or more, you can change it to J-Skip HSP2, which allows you to stay in Japan indefinitely as a special HSP with Preferential Treatment. If you want don’t need the Preferential Treatment, it would be better for you to apply for Permanent Resident (PR) status since J-Skip HSP2 needs you to belong to (or make a contract with) at least one entity in Japan.
Also, once you live in Japan as J-Skip HSP visa holder for 1 years or more, you have chance to apply for PERMANENT RESIDENT (PR).

J-Skip HSP is a visa status derived from HSP, activity allowed under the visa status is the same as those of HSP. There are 3 categories for HSP, check the activity allowed to J-Skip HSP here >> HSP CATEGORIES
- In case your mission falls under Advanced Academic Research Activities; J-Skip HSP-a
- In case your mission falls under Advanced Specialized / Technical Activities; J-Skip HSP-b
- In case your mission falls under Advanced Business Management Activities; J-Skip HSP-c
Types of visa status for J-Skip HSP will be stated just the same as HSP (高度専門職) on your Residence Card. Instead, “特別高度人材” stamp indicating you are on J-Skip HSP will be put on the back side of Residence Card. In addition, the J-Skip HSP Certificate will be issued as the proof of the visa status.

J-Skip HSP visa holders can receive additional preferential treatment more than general HSP visa holders;
- Allowing multiple activities during residence
- 5-years Period of Stay
- Relaxation of requirements for PERMANENT RESIDENT application >> PERMANENT RESIDENT
- Relaxation of requirements for Spouse’s employment
- Permission to bring parents
- Permission to bring one or two domestic worker (housekeeper); it is possible to employ up to 2 foreign domestic workers in case the annual household income is 30 million yen or more.
- Use of priority lanes at the immigration checkpoint/windows of large airports.
- Priority handling of entry and immigration procedures

Regardless of which visa status you apply for, you need to satisfy basic criteria listed on WHAT IS VISA STATUS? page.
Your intended activity in Japan must fall under one of the categories of HSP (HSP-a, HSP-b, HSP-c). Check the list on HSP CATEGORIES on HSP page.
Career and Income Requirements is different depending on which categories of J-Skip HSP you will apply for;
J-Skip HSP-a
J-Skip HSP-b
J-Skip HSP-b
You must fall under either one of the following;
- You obtain master’s degree or higher and will be paid an annual salary of 20 million yen or more for your job mission in Japan as J-Skip HSP
- You have 10-years or more of work experience as a professional of the work and will be paid an annual salary of 20 million yen or more for your job mission in Japan as a J-Skip HSP
J-Skip HSP-c
You have 5-years or more of professional career of business management and will be paid an annual salary of 40 million yen or more for your management activity in Japan as a J-Skip HSP.
- “Academic background”, “work experience” and “professional career” has to be related to the activity you will engage in working as a J-Skip HSP in Japan.
- “Annual salary” has to be an expected salary to be paid for work in Japan as a J-Skip HSP. Note that it is not referred to your past salary.
- In general case, your employer will be your visa sponsor. Your visa sponsor (organization/company) must be recognized as financially stable and managing the business properly in Japan >> VISA SPONSOR
- In case of applying for J-Skip HSP-c (Advanced Business Management Activities), the entity you will manage in Japan (the entity can be a subsidiary or a branch of foreign company) can be your visa sponsor/proxy. The entity must satisfy requirements of BUSINESS MANAGER regarding initial capital, physical office etc.

- As mentioned above, J-Skip HSP is a visa status derived from HSP and the “type of Visa Status” stated on your Residence Card will be the same as HSP (高度専門職). Different from general HSP visa status, a stamp indicating J-Skip HSP (特別高度人材) will be put on the backside of your Residence Card and you will receive J-Skip HSP Certificate.
- Different from other work-type visa status, you need to apply for CHANGE of VISA STATUS to the same J-Skip HSP visa category every time you change the organization/company.

In case you are currently living outside Japan yet or you are staying in Japan as a temporary visitor;
In case you have been staying in Japan under other visa status and holding RESIDENCE CARD already;
NOTE: Different from other work-type visa status, you need to apply for CHANGE of VISA STATUS to the same J-Skip HSP visa category every time you change the organization/company.

Highly Skilled Professionals visa status is ensured 5 years of period of stay.
In case you wish to extend the period of stay granted, you may apply for Extension of Period of Stay before the expiry date.
You may have chance to apply for PERMANENT RESIDENT or HSP2 as well to get indefinite period of stay.
>> HSP2
In case you would like to travel outside Japan temporarily under the visa status.

You are required to provide documents which certify your eligibility for the visa status you are applying. Required documents are varied depending on the situation of each applicant and the contracting entity (organization, company, university etc. which you work for as an HSP).
Here’s the basic documents required for the COE application, CHANGE of VISA STATUS and EXTENSION of PERIOD of STAY.
- APPLICATION FORM for 高度専門職 (Highly Skilled Professional; HSP)
- RESIDENCE CARD and PASSPORT (except for COE Application)
- Documents to certify the contracting entity (organization, university, company etc.)
Some documents can be omitted depending on the entity.- Company Brochure or Leaflet
- Certificate of Company Registration (登記事項証明書)
- Financial statement for the last fiscal year
- Records for Salary Payment and Withholding Tax for the last year (前年分の職員の給与所得の源泉徴収票等の法定調書合計表)
- [In case of newly-established entity] 1-year Business Plan, Notification of the establishment of Salary payment office (給与支払事務所開設届出書), Payment Slip for Withholding tax (3ヶ月分の源泉納付書: for the past 3 months before the application) or Application for Payment of Withholding Income Tax on a Semi-annual (源泉所得税の納期の特例の承認に関する申請書).
- Documents to certify that you satisfy requirements of J-Skip HSP;
- CV / resume
- Certificate of Degree
- Certificate of Employment, Confirmation Letter or equivalent documents which can prove your past work experience and career (e.g. occupation, position, period of work etc. issued by the ex-employers or authorities)
- Employment Certificate/Contract and Certificate of Expected Annual Salary for one year for the work as a J-Skip HSP signed by the contracting organization or the equivalent documents related to in order to clarify your job mission/responsibility and annual salary
[In case of applying for HSP-a or HSP-b] Job mission/responsibility, period of contract, salary has to be stated on the documents
[In case of applying for HSP-c] Certificate of Company Registration to confirm you are registered as the director/member of the company, Minutes of Directors/Member’s Decision for your annual remuneration/compensation for future one year
- All the documents written in foreign languages need to attach the Japanese translation.
- Additional documents may be requested by the Immigration Office during the screening.
- Some documents may be exempted in case your visa sponsor is classified under specific categories as follows: 1) listed corporation, government related organization, Independent administrative institution and other organization specified in this category 2) the total amount of annual withholding tax on the latest “Records for Salary Payment and Withholding Tax (給与所得の源泉徴収票等の法定調書合計表)” counts 10 million JPY or more, 3) your visa sponsor can submit a copy of the latest “Records for Salary Payment and Withholding Tax”.
- Any certificate issued by the Japanese authorities (Tax/Income Certificate, Certificate of Residence, Certificate of Company Register etc.) has to be the one issued within 3 months before the date of application.