COE (CERTIFICATE of ELIGIBILITY) is a certificate that the Immigration Office acknowledges your eligibility for one particular visa status which you claimed by the application. It certifies you are eligible to stay in Japan under the visa status for specific period(s) stated on the COE.
In case you plan to stay in Japan for the purpose which is not applicable to Temporary Visitor Visa, you have to apply for COE of a VISA STATUS appropriate for your intended activity. Basically, COE application should be done through a VISA SPONSOR/PROXY living or staying in Japan >> VISA SPONSOR/PROXY
In case you are beginner of the Japanese immigration system, it is efficient to check INTRODUCTION page first to know about overview of VISA, VISA STATUS and VISA SPONSOR/PROXY etc. before you learn about the COE application.
There are around 30 categories of VISA STATUS. It is categorized by the activity and purpose for stay in Japan and each VISA STATUS has the requirements.
You need to certify your eligibility for the VISA STATUS by the documents, the Immigration Office will judge it comprehensively based on your background and situation/circumstances (e.g. visa sponsor, financial stability and relation between your purpose for staying Japan and your experience etc. depending on the category of VISA STATUS you are applying for). Note that the Immigration Office will not grant you the COE if they recognize you don’t have any specific purpose for staying in Japan and/or they find you don’t need to stay in Japan to engage in the activity.
For more details, jump to >> WHAT IS VISA STATUS?
In case that you want to change your visa to different types of visa status while you are on a particular visa status in Japan, you can change it by applying for CHANGE of VISA STATUS.
For the application for CHANGE of VISA STATUS, jump to >> CHANGE of VISA STATUS
The Immigration Office decides your period of stay based on your application.
Basic and maximum period of stay for each VISA STATUS is prescribed by the Immigration Law. The Immigration Office decide specific period of stay for each applicant considering the applicant’s circumstance based on all the documents the applicant submitted for the application.
In case of the COE application, the period of stay granted is stated on the COE together with the category of VISA STATUS. When you receive your Residence Card after you enter Japan with the COE, you will see the period and the specific date of expiry on the Residence Card.
The period can be extended by applying for EXTENSION of PERIOD of STAY (VISA Renewal) in advance of the date of expiry.
For the Application of EXTENSION of PERIOD of STAY, jump to >> EXTENSION of PERIOD of STAY
It takes around 1 – 3 months for the screening of the Immigration Office after submitting the application. The period is different depending on the case, conjunction of the application at the Immigration Office and the branches, as well as the seasonal reasons etc. In some cases, it is possible to take 5 – 6 months until the result is released.
Note that the Immigration Office cannot tell you the exact status of the application and the completion date of the screening.
COE has its expiry date – it will be expired in 3 months after the date of issue stated on the COE. You have to enter Japan with the COE before it expires.
After you received the COE from your proxy (or your Immigration lawyer), you need to apply for entry visa with the COE at the Japan Embassy/Consulate-General (or the agency) in your resident country. You will finally come to Japan with the entry visa and the COE and your Residence Card will be issued at the airport Immigration Counter when you arrived at the airport in Japan.
Here is the general process for COE application;
- DECIDE VISA STATUS TO APPLY and CHECK THE REQUIREMENT : Check what VISA STATUS of COE you should apply for and whether you (both you and your VISA SPONSOR/PROXY especially in case of VISA STATUS for work) can satisfy the criteria and requirements for one particular VISA STATUS.
↓ - ARRANGE THE SITUATION: Look for a VISA SPONSOR / PROXY who is in Japan and is willing to act as your proxy for the COE application. The person to be VISA SPONSOR/PROXY is different depending on VISA STATUS. For example, in case you are applying for COE to work in Japan, your employer-to-be must be your VISA SPONSOR. Your Japanese spouse or his/her relatives has to be your VISA SPONSOR in case of Spouse of Japanese. Even if you or your employer hires an immigration lawyer, VISA SPONSOR/PROXY is required.
↓ - DOCUMENTATION: Prepare and collect documents required for the application. In case you hire an immigration lawyer, he/she will assist the whole process and will submit the application on behalf of you and your VISA SPONSOR/PROXY after examining whether you would be eligible for the VISA STATUS.
↓ - SUBMISSION of APPLICATION: Your VISA SPONSOR/PROXY signs the application form and submits it to the Immigration Office which has jurisdiction over address of your workplace or visa sponsor/proxy. You might need to come to Japan as Temporary Visitor at the time of application depending on which status you are applying for (see EXCEPTION below).
↓ - SCREENING of YOUR APPLICATION: General processing period is around 1-3 months. The Immigration Office might contact your VISA SPONSOR/PROXY (Immigration Lawyer if you or your visa sponsor hires one) if they would like to request additional documents or ask about something.
↓ - IN CASE OF APPROVAL: Your COE will be issued and sent to your visa sponsor/proxy (or Immigration lawyer if you or your visa sponsor hire one). They forward the COE to you.
IN CASE OF DENIAL: Notice of Denial will be sent to your VISA SPONSOR/PROXY (or Immigration lawyer if you or your visa sponsor hire one). Your visa sponsor can ask the Immigration Office about the reason of denial in person at the Immigration Office to where your application has been submitted. If the reason is not critical and can be resolved, it is OK to reapply for COE of the same VISA STATUS right after the denial.
↓ - ENTRY VISA APPLICATION WITH THE COE AT THE JAPAN EMBASSY/CONSULATE-GENERAL: After you receive the COE from your VISA SPONSOR/PROXY in Japan, you need to apply for entry visa with the COE at the Japan Embassy/Consulate-General (or the agency) in your resident country. You should contact the Japan Embassy/Consulate-General directly for the process of entry visa application with the COE or you may hire an agent in your resident country for the application. The process, necessary documents and fees are different in each country. Immigration lawyer in Japan cannot handle the entry visa application from Japan. The COE is valid for 3 months after the date of issue and you need to enter Japan with the valid COE.
↓ - FLY TO JAPAN: After the entry visa with the COE is issued at the Japan Embassy/Consulate-General, you fly to Japan. Note that you must enter Japan before the COE is expired.
↓ - RECEIVE “RESIDENCE CARD“: You will receive your RESIDENCE CARD stating your visa status and the period of stay etc. in exchange for your COE at the airport immigration counter when you arrive in Japan. After receiving the Residence Card, you are finally a VISA STATUS holder. You may stay and live in Japan and engage in the activity allowed under VISA STATUS until the date of expiry.
↓ - REGISTRATION OF YOUR RESIDENCE ADDRESS IN JAPAN: Register your residence address in Japan at the city/ward office in the jurisdiction over the address within 14 days after you decide your residence address and settle down in Japan. After you register your residence address, you may open a personal bank account, get a cellphone and the number in Japan etc. In case your visa status duration is less than 3 months or your visa is not subject to the residence registration, you don’t need to register (or cannot register) your residence address in Japan.
After you receive your Residence Card and settle down in Japan, you are subject to process necessary application or notification (both visa-related and administrative procedures) when necessary.
>> Jump to OTHER APPLICATION and NOTIFICATION after you start living in Japan
CASES NOT APPLICABLE TO COE APPLICATION: There are some cases (basically, cases which are applicable to Long-Term Resident visa status or Designated Activities visa status but not designated specifically by the Minister of Justice) that you need to apply for CHANGE of VISA STATUS from Temporary Visitor to relevant visa status while you are in Japan without applying for the COE. In that case, you have to enter Japan under Temporary Visitor visa in advance and apply for CHANGE of VISA STATUS while you stay in Japan.
CASES YOU NEED TO SUBMIT COE APPLICATION YOURSELF WITHOUT VISA SPONSOR/PROXY: In some cases, there is no way other than you sponsor COE application yourself. In that case, you have to come to Japan for your COE application even if you hire an immigration lawyer for your application (immigration lawyer cannot be your visa sponsor/proxy).
Example cases and visa status; Business Manager based on new company without any representative/staff in Japan, Intra-Company Transferee or Humanities/Engineer based on new company/branch without any representative/staff in Japan, Designated Activities for sightseeing during your stay on Tourist visa, Artist as a freelance, Journalist as a freelance etc.
- COE Application is not applicable to Temporary Visitor (Tourist Visa). Temporary Visitor Visa must be processed at the Japan Embassy/Consulate-General (or via the agent) outside Japan.
- Basically, you cannot apply for CHANGE of VISA STATUS directly from Temporary Visitor to a visa status without applying for the COE in advance except for the case which is not applicable to COE application listed on EXCEPTION above.
- The Immigration Office will not tell anything about the timing of the issuance of the COE during the screening/examination period.
- If you are staying in Japan as a Temporary Visitor at the time of issue of the COE, there would be a possibility that you can convert COE to Residence Card without going back to your resident country by applying for CHANGE of VISA STATUS from Temporary Visitor to your visa status depending on the situation. However, you cannot extend Temporary Visitor Visa for the reason of processing/waiting for the COE application.
- During screening period of the COE application at the Immigration Office, you can fly back and forth from your resident country (or other countries) to Japan as a Temporary Visitor. However, note that you can convert the COE to Residence Card directly only in case the COE is issued while you are staying in Japan.
Required documents are different depending on VISA STATUS as well as each applicant’s circumstances. Immigration Office discloses basic required documents for each VISA STATUS, however, they may ask you more documents or different types of documents since each applicant has different situation, nationality, history, background, purpose of activity in Japan, visa sponsor etc. – there is no one who is exactly in the same situation as yours.
No Application fee (Immigration Tax) is required for COE application. In case you hire an immigration lawyer for your case, the fee will be charged.
Generally, COE application must be submitted at the regional Immigration Office which has jurisdiction over the address of your workplace in Japan or VISA SPONSOR/PROXY. In case of VISA STATUS to work, it will be based on your employer’s (company) address or your workplace. In case of family-related VISA STATUS, it will be based on VISA SPONSOR’s residence address.
ONCE YOU OBTAIN RESIDENCE CARD after you enter Japan with COE, any of your visa-related application must be submitted to the Immigration Office which has jurisdiction over your residence address.