If you wish to work in Japan, the first thing you should consider is what type of visa status you should apply for and how you should process it.
NOTE: If you would like to engage in the work applicable to Specified Skilled Worker (Tokutei-Ginou / 特定技能), such as care worker, hospitality services, construction work, etc. or Technical Intern Training (Ginou-Jissu / 技能実習), you need to take steps different from what you see on this page.
Please check the webpage provided by the Immigration Office if you wish to work as a Specified Skilled Worker;
Specified Skilled Worker (Tokutei-Ginou / 特定技能) >> https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/policies/ssw/nyuukokukanri06_00064.html
For those who live outside Japan, the most difficult process is to find a job while you are living outside Japan. However, thanks to the internet, you may look for a job and get through to the HR section online.
Please refer to the following page for general information on “To Work in Japan”;